report the viscoelastic relaxation mechanisms of cellulose nanocrystals
(CNCs) dispersed individually in fluids. Linear viscoelasticity and
flow birefringence of softwood and tunicate CNC/glycerol dispersions
in the dilute regime were measured. The obtained results were then
compared with molecular theories for the linear viscoelasticity of
rigid rods and semiflexible rods at infinite dilution by taking length
distributions of CNCs into account. Although CNCs are traditionally
regarded as rigid Brownian rods, the viscoelastic relaxation was not
explained solely by the rotational motions of rods. Alternatively,
molecular theories for semiflexible rods well-described the viscoelastic
behavior; the CNCs showed additional relaxation modes derived from
microscopic internal motions including “tension” and
“curvature”, which originated from the finite flexural
rigidity. Birefringence relaxation of the CNCs was dominated by the
rotational motions of rods. Length distribution functions of the CNCs
were thus calculated from the birefringence relaxation and agreed
well with their microscopy-determined histograms.