pone.0269211.s001.docx (15.98 kB)

The individual Importance of Olfaction Questionnaire (IO-Q) in Danish.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-19, 18:52 authored by Daniel Tchemerinsky Konieczny, Alexander Wieck Fjaeldstad, Kristian Sandberg

The IO-Q has 20-items and reports are made on a 4-point Likert scale that is scored 0 for complete disagreement and 3 for complete agreement. The items are separable into four categories (association (Ass), consequence (Con), application (App), and aggravation (Agg)). Each of the subscales are made of 6 items except Agg with only 2. The Scale column is not printed when the questionnaire is presented to participants.

