
Supplementary material for von Schmalz, K et al: Palm community structure association with topography, hydrography and forest density in a remote site in the Iriri river valley, Eastern Amazon

journal contribution
posted on 2025-01-20, 14:14 authored by Karin Elisabeth von SchmalzKarin Elisabeth von Schmalz, EMIL Hernández RuzEMIL Hernández Ruz, Rodolfo Salm, Wellington Alvarez, Dilailson Araujo de Souza, Angelino Pereira de Oliveira Jr

Palms (Arecaceae) are crucial to Amazonian ecosystems, contributing to biodiversity, ecosystem services, and forest resilience, and providing non-timber forest products (NTFPs) for local populations. This study investigated how topography, hydrography, and forest density influence palm community structure in a remote Eastern Amazon site, addressing knowledge gaps in this region.
