posted on 2020-10-29, 20:43authored byVincent Toanen, Clémentine Symonds, Jean-Michel Benoit, Alban Gassenq, Aristide Lemaı̂tre, Joel Bellessa
Optical Tamm structures offer great
possibilities for the development
of new optoelectronic devices ranging from polarized laser sources
to plasmon generators. Indeed, thanks to the patterning of a thin
metallic film alone, microscale confinement of light is achieved,
which constitutes a very easy and flexible way to make confined lasers.
Here, we report on room-temperature lasing of a Tamm structure, based
on an original geometry with enhanced quality factor. In this so-called
Super Tamm structure, a low-index dielectric layer is inserted between
a silver film and an AlGaAs/AlAs distributed Bragg reflector while
keeping the mode confinement at the metallic/dielectric interface.
Numerical simulations of this structure show Q-factors
up to 6500. Room-temperature lasing is achieved with this new architecture,
as demonstrated by the nonlinear emission intensity increase and the
spectral and emission-diagram narrowing. This result is a determinant
step toward the realization of useful Tamm laser devices.