pone.0299755.s001.pdf (180.99 kB)

Result of multiple sequence alignment for UGT89B1, homologous sequences from BLAST results, and Rs89B1_ins.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-28, 18:31 authored by Hiroyuki Ohashi, Daisuke Koma, Hayato Yamanaka, Takashi Ohmoto

Multiple sequence alignment was carried out by Clustal Omega. At the bottom of the sequence, * denotes a conserved sequence (identical),: denotes a conservative mutation, denotes a semiconservative mutation, and–denotes a gap. Underline indicates predicted PSPG box region. The region with low homology is indicated by the red shading, while the amino acid residues presumed to be involved in the recognition of UDP-sugars are indicated by the blue shading.

