Investigating Social Media Role in Crisis Communication Case of Hoatiti
Social media has the capacity to inform, educate, entertain and
confuse citizens simultaneously because of its deep imbeddedness
within communities. This is because social media is readily available
to most community members and news production is done surpassing
and bypassing filters that humper and debilitate quick production and
dissemination of news by mainstream media such as the traditional
gate keeping parameters like political correctness and editorial
policies. However, social media is regarded with scepticism in some
quarters of the news production industry due to its disregard for
ethical practice as well as disrespect for sensibilities related to
tradition and culture that separate humans from the larger and general
animal world. This study therefore sought to investigate the virtues of
social media that have elevated the speed and limitless opportunities
for Covd-19 news sharing in Lesotho with specific reference to
Hoatiti news outlet. The study interviewed news consumers,
practising journalists, journalism students and lecturers to establish
their views on Hoatiti news coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic. The
findings were presented and analysed thematically