From Unity Consciousness Justice Flows
Version 2 2023-02-22, 04:55Version 2 2023-02-22, 04:55
Version 1 2023-01-31, 06:44Version 1 2023-01-31, 06:44
journal contribution
posted on 2023-02-22, 04:55 authored by Megan BlissMegan BlissAn article addressing Unity Consciousness and Justice, the path to freedom through Peace practice within all Law. Solutions for creating the heaven on earth we all desire.
1223 words.
Self-funded independent research.
Usage metrics
- Private law and civil obligations not elsewhere classified
- Contract law
- Equity and trusts law
- Intellectual property law
- Property law (excl. intellectual property law)
- Tort law
- Environmental and resources law not elsewhere classified
- Environmental law
- Mining, energy and natural resources law
- Banking, finance and securities law
- Commercial law not elsewhere classified
- Conflict of laws (incl. private international law)
- International humanitarian and human rights law
- Ocean law and governance
- International arbitration
- International criminal law
- International and comparative law not elsewhere classified
- Space, maritime and aviation law
- Public international law
- International trade and investment law
- Comparative law
- Criminal law
- Law reform
- Legal education
- Legal theory, jurisprudence and legal interpretation
- Medical and health law
- Family law
- Law and society and socio-legal research
- Child and adolescent development
- Educational psychology
- Other psychology not elsewhere classified
- Community psychology
- Personality and individual differences
- Social psychology
- Social and personality psychology not elsewhere classified
- Psychology of religion
- History and philosophy of education
- Sociology of education
- Education policy, sociology and philosophy not elsewhere classified
- Education policy
- Continuing and community education
- Early childhood education
- Education systems not elsewhere classified
- Primary education
- Higher education
- Professional education and training
- Secondary education
- Teacher education and professional development of educators
- Technical, further and workplace education
- Educational administration, management and leadership
- Education assessment and evaluation
- Comparative and cross-cultural education
- Educational counselling
- Educational technology and computing
- Inclusive education
- Learning sciences
- Multicultural education (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Māori and Pacific Peoples)
- Special education and disability
- Specialist studies in education not elsewhere classified
- Teacher and student wellbeing
- Creative arts, media and communication curriculum and pedagogy
- Curriculum and pedagogy not elsewhere classified
- Curriculum and pedagogy theory and development
- Economics, business and management curriculum and pedagogy
- English and literacy curriculum and pedagogy (excl. LOTE, ESL and TESOL)
- Environmental education curriculum and pedagogy
- Work integrated learning (incl. internships)
- Vocational education and training curriculum and pedagogy
- Science, technology and engineering curriculum and pedagogy
- Religion curriculum and pedagogy
- Physical education and development curriculum and pedagogy
- Medicine, nursing and health curriculum and pedagogy
- Mathematics and numeracy curriculum and pedagogy
- LOTE, ESL and TESOL curriculum and pedagogy
- Humanities and social sciences curriculum and pedagogy (excl. economics, business and management)
- Geography education curriculum and pedagogy
- Other education not elsewhere classified
- Maritime archaeology
- Historical archaeology (incl. industrial archaeology)
- Archaeology of Australia (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)
- Archaeology not elsewhere classified
- Archaeological science
- Archival, repository and related studies
- Cultural heritage management (incl. world heritage)
- Critical heritage, museum and archive studies
- Heritage and cultural conservation
- Heritage collections and interpretations
- Heritage tourism, visitor and audience studies
- Heritage, archive and museum studies not elsewhere classified
- Digital heritage
- Australian history
- British history
- Classical Greek and Roman history
- Environmental history
- Global and world history
- Historical studies not elsewhere classified
- Historical studies of crime
- Histories of race
- History of empires, imperialism and colonialism
- History of religion
- History of the pacific
- International history
- Latin and South American history
- Transnational history
- North American history
- New Zealand history
- Migration history
- Other history, heritage and archaeology not elsewhere classified
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander archaeology
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, language and history not elsewhere classified
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural history
- Conservation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing, being and doing
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander philosophy
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ethics
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander curriculum and pedagogy
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early childhood education
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educational methods
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language education
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander higher education
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men’s education
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary education
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary education
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student engagement and teaching
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander technical, further, continuing and community education
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women’s education
- Cultural responsiveness and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities education
- Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges, histories, culture, country, perspectives and ethics in education
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander environmental conservation
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander environmental knowledges
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander environmental knowledges and management not elsewhere classified
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander earth sciences
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander agriculture and forestry
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child health and wellbeing
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander biomedical and clinical sciences
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and disability
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural determinants of health
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander diet and nutrition
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth and family social and emotional wellbeing
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander theory of change models for health
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sport and physical activity
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social, emotional, cultural and spiritual wellbeing
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social determinants of health
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander remote health
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander public health and wellbeing
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander psychology
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers and babies health and wellbeing
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men’s health and wellbeing
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander midwifery and paediatrics
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medicine and treatments
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lifecourse
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health services
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health promotion
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health policy
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing not elsewhere classified
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander epidemiology
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander anthropology
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander accounting
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and regional development
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community governance and decision making
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-based research
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander commerce
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander criminology
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary law
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander design practice and management
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander economics
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander finance
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander human geography and demography
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander urban and regional planning
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tourism
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sociology
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sociological studies
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social work and social justice
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social impact and program evaluation
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander politics
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander political participation and representation
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community not elsewhere classified
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the law
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander not-for-profit social enterprises
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander marketing
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander management
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legislation
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander architecture
- Other Indigenous studies not elsewhere classified
- Pacific Peoples and the law
- Pacific Peoples commerce
- Pacific Peoples community and regional development
- Pacific Peoples community governance and decision making
- Pacific Peoples community-based research
- Pacific Peoples criminology
- Pacific Peoples customary law
- Pacific Peoples design practice and management
- Pacific Peoples economics
- Pacific Peoples finance
- Pacific Peoples human geography and demography
- Pacific Peoples legislation
- Pacific Peoples management
- Pacific Peoples marketing
- Pacific Peoples not-for-profit social enterprises
- Pacific Peoples perspectives
- Pacific Peoples political participation and representation
- Pacific Peoples politics
- Pacific Peoples social impact and program evaluation
- Pacific Peoples social work and social justice
- Pacific Peoples sociological studies
- Pacific Peoples sociology
- Pacific Peoples tourism
- Pacific Peoples urban and regional planning
- Pacific Peoples anthropology
- Pacific Peoples and disability
- Pacific Peoples biomedical and clinical science
- Pacific Peoples cultural determinants of health
- Pacific Peoples diet and nutrition
- Pacific Peoples epidemiology
- Pacific Peoples health and wellbeing not elsewhere classified
- Pacific Peoples health policy
- Pacific Peoples health promotion
- Pacific Peoples life course
- Pacific Peoples medicine and treatments
- Pacific Peoples midwifery and paediatrics
- Pacific Peoples mothers and babies health and wellbeing
- Pacific Peoples nursing
- Pacific Peoples psychology
- Pacific Peoples public health and wellbeing
- Pacific Peoples remote health
- Pacific Peoples social determinants of health
- Pacific Peoples social, cultural, emotional and spiritual wellbeing
- Pacific Peoples sport and physical activity
- Pacific Peoples theory of change models for health
- Cultural responsiveness and working with Pacific Peoples communities education
- Embedding Pacific Peoples knowledges, histories, culture, country, perspectives and ethics in education
- Pacific Peoples curriculum and pedagogy
- Pacific Peoples early childhood education
- Pacific Peoples education not elsewhere classified
- Pacific Peoples educational methods
- Pacific Peoples higher education
- Pacific Peoples language education
- Pacific Peoples men’s education
- Pacific Peoples primary education
- Pacific Peoples secondary education
- Pacific Peoples student engagement and teaching
- Pacific Peoples technical, further, continuing and community education
- Global Indigenous studies culture, language and history
- Global Indigenous studies environmental knowledges and management
- Global Indigenous studies health and wellbeing
- Global Indigenous studies peoples, society and community
- Global Indigenous studies sciences
- Indigenous data and data technologies
- Indigenous methodologies
- Other Indigenous data, methodologies and global Indigenous studies not elsewhere classified
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander innovation
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander information and knowledge management systems
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge management methods
- Theology
- Theology not elsewhere classified
- Applied ethics not elsewhere classified
- Bioethics
- Business ethics
- Ethical use of new technology
- Human rights and justice issues (excl. law)
- Legal ethics
- Medical ethics
- Professional ethics
- History and philosophy of law and justice
- History and philosophy of medicine
- History and philosophy of science
- History and philosophy of specific fields not elsewhere classified
- History and philosophy of the humanities
- History and philosophy of the social sciences
- History of ideas
- History and philosophy of engineering and technology
- Critical theory
- Decision theory
- Environmental philosophy
- Epistemology
- Ethical theory
- Hermeneutics
- Logic
- Metaphysics
- Phenomenology
- Philosophical psychology (incl. moral psychology and philosophy of action)
- Philosophy not elsewhere classified
- Philosophy of cognition
- Philosophy of gender
- Philosophy of language
- Philosophy of mind (excl. cognition)
- Philosophy of religion
- Philosophy of science (excl. history and philosophy of specific fields)
- Philosophy of specific cultures (incl. comparative philosophy)
- Poststructuralism
- Psychoanalytic philosophy
- Other philosophy and religious studies not elsewhere classified
- Comparative religious studies
- Christian studies
- Religion, society and culture
- Religious studies not elsewhere classified
- Causes and prevention of crime
- Correctional theory, offender treatment and rehabilitation
- Courts and sentencing
- Crime and social justice
- Criminological theories
- Criminology not elsewhere classified
- Critical approaches to crime
- Cybercrime
- Environmental crime
- Organised crime
- Gender and crime
- Police administration, procedures and practice
- Private policing and security services
- Race/ethnicity and crime
- Sociological studies of crime
- State crime
- Technology, crime and surveillance
- Terrorism
- Victims
- White collar crime
- Crime policy
- Communications and media policy
- Economic development policy
- Environment policy
- Gender, policy and administration
- Health policy
- Housing policy
- Policy and administration not elsewhere classified
- Public administration
- Public policy
- Research, science and technology policy
- Risk policy
- Social policy
- Tourism policy
- Urban policy
- Defence studies
- Comparative government and politics
- Citizenship
- Australian government and politics
- Environmental politics
- Gender and politics
- Government and politics of Asia and the Pacific
- International relations
- New Zealand government and politics
- Peace studies
- Political science not elsewhere classified
- Political theory and political philosophy
- Other human society not elsewhere classified
- Development studies not elsewhere classified
- Development cooperation
- Political economy and social change
- Poverty, inclusivity and wellbeing
- Rural community development
- Socio-economic development
- Urban community development
- Labour, migration and development
- Humanitarian disasters, conflict and peacebuilding
- Economic geography
- Development geography
- Cultural geography
- Environmental geography
- Health geography
- Human geography not elsewhere classified
- Political geography
- Population geography
- Recreation, leisure and tourism geography
- Social geography
- Transport geography
- Urban geography
- Rural and regional geography
- Clinical social work practice
- Counselling, wellbeing and community services
- Social program evaluation
- Social work not elsewhere classified
- Applied sociology, program evaluation and social impact assessment
- Environmental sociology
- Rural sociology
- Social change
- Social theory
- Sociological methodology and research methods
- Sociology of health
- Sociology of gender
- Sociology of family and relationships
- Sociology of culture
- Sociology not elsewhere classified
- Sociology and social studies of science and technology
- Sociology of inequalities
- Sociology of migration, ethnicity and multiculturalism
- Urban sociology and community studies
- Sociology of the life course
- Sociology of religion
- Design anthropology
- Design history, theory and criticism
- Design practice and methods
- Service design
- Social design
- Sustainable design
- Visual communication design (incl. graphic design)
- Models and simulations of design
- Interaction and experience design
- Industrial and product design
- Fire safety design
- Ergonomics design
- Other built environment and design not elsewhere classified
- Community planning
- History and theory of the built environment (excl. architecture)
- Housing markets, development and management
- Land use and environmental planning
- Public participation and community engagement
- Regional analysis and development
- Regulatory planning and development assessment
- Transport planning
- Strategic, metropolitan and regional planning
- Urban analysis and development
- Urban and regional planning not elsewhere classified
- Urban design
- Urban informatics
- Urban planning and health
- Communication and media studies not elsewhere classified
- Communication studies
- Communication technology and digital media studies
- Environmental communication
- International and development communication
- Journalism studies
- Media industry studies
- Media studies
- Organisational, interpersonal and intercultural communication
- Corpus linguistics
- Historical, comparative and typological linguistics
- Language documentation and description
- Sociolinguistics
- Linguistics not elsewhere classified
- Linguistic structures (incl. phonology, morphology and syntax)
- Applied linguistics and educational linguistics
- Child language acquisition
- Arts and cultural policy
- Cultural and creative industries
- Cultural studies not elsewhere classified
- Cultural studies of agriculture, food and wine
- Cultural studies of nation and region
- Cultural theory
- Culture, representation and identity
- Environment and culture
- Globalisation and culture
- Migrant cultural studies
- Multicultural, intercultural and cross-cultural studies
- Postcolonial studies
- Screen and media culture
Ref. managerRef. manager