posted on 2022-09-26, 08:30authored byAlaa Alhayek, Ahmed S. Abdelsamie, Esther Schönauer, Virgyl Camberlein, Evelyn Hutterer, Gernot Posselt, Jamil Serwanja, Constantin Blöchl, Christian G. Huber, Jörg Haupenthal, Hans Brandstetter, Silja Wessler, Anna K. H. Hirsch
In view of the worldwide antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
new bacterial targets and anti-infective agents are needed. Since
important roles in bacterial pathogenesis have been demonstrated for
the collagenase H and G (ColH and ColG) from Clostridium
histolyticum, collagenase Q1 and A (ColQ1 and ColA)
from Bacillus cereus represent attractive
antivirulence targets. Furthermore, repurposing FDA-approved drugs
may assist to tackle the AMR crisis and was addressed in this work.
Here, we report on the discovery of two potent and chemically stable
bacterial collagenase inhibitors: synthesized and FDA-approved diphosphonates
and hydroxamates. Both classes showed high in vitro activity against the clostridial and bacillary collagenases. The
potent diphosphonates reduced B. cereus-mediated detachment and death of cells and Galleria
mellonella larvae. The hydroxamates were also tested
in a similar manner; they did not have an effect in infection models.
This might be due to their fast binding kinetics to bacterial collagenases.