Data and code used for analysis in manuscript ' Genus-scale taxonomic resolution is appropriate to study coral demographics: A case study with Pocillopora submitted to Ecology and Evolution
This dataset was collected in July 2022 and July 2023 to record demographic performance and genetic information of coral individuals in three regions (Northeast, Lyudao, Xiaoliuqiu) in Taiwan. To determine the suitable taxonomic resolution to study coral demographics, we focused on the commonly found coral genus Pocillopora and documented their vital rates including growth, survival, and recruitment throughout the years. We also included two other common genera Acropora and Porites to check if generalization at a higher taxonomic scale provides more ecological/demographic information.
Provided code used to generate figure 1-4 in submitted manuscript. Including sst map for Figure 1; number counts for Pocillopora species/haplotypes in Figure 2; survival curve of different Pocillopora from GLMM and growth variation within and among different genera; and HCPC/FAMD results.