Additional file 1: Table S1 The primers used in this study. Fig. S1 DHX58 expression is markedly decreased post I/R in the liver. Fig. S2 ROS decreases DHX58 expression in hepatocytes. Fig. S3 Hepatocyte-specific DHX58 deficiency promotes I/R‑induced liver injury and inflammation. Fig. S4 scRNA-seq analysis of Dhx58f/f and Dhx58hep‑/- livers post I/R. Fig. S5 Dhx58hep‑/- promotes ferroptosis in hepatocyte during liver I/R injury. Fig. S6 DHX58 inhibits ferroptosis in hepatocyte during liver I/R injury Fig. S7 DHX58 enhances GPX4 protein level to suppress ferroptosis. Fig. S8 DHX58 associates YTHDC2 to read and promote the translation of Gpx4 mRNA in an m6A-dependent manner. Fig. S9 Pretreatment with IFN-α can inhibit hepatic ferroptosis by stimulating DHX58.