Acoustic Shock
Wave-Induced Rutile to Anatase Phase
Transition of TiO2 Nanoparticles and Exploration of Their
Unconventional Thermodynamic Structural Transition Path of Crystallization
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is one of the most
and long-standing polymorphic materials in the transition metal oxide
group of materials. The transition from rutile to anatase is one of
the long-standing fundamental questions among materials science researchers
because seeking the nucleation site at the beginning of the phase
transition is highly challenging. Until now, there have been no studies
on the unconventional structural phase transition of TiO2 nanoparticles by acoustic shock waves. In the present study, this
work provides the first evidence on the solid-state nanostructure
of the rutile-to-anatase phase transition of TiO2 by acoustic
shock waves whereby these phase transition results are evaluated by
Raman spectroscopy, thermal calorimetry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,
and microscopic techniques. We propose a novel mechanism for the occurrence
of the rutile-to-anatase phase transition based on thermophysical
properties and shock wave-induced melting concepts. Under shocked
conditions, the R–A phase transition occurs because of the
anatase phase’s lower interfacial energy (γL/A) and surface energy compared to rutile. We strongly believe that
the present work can provide in-depth insight into understanding the
crystallization concepts of the TiO2 NPs under extreme
conditions, especially with regard to the rutile-to-anatase phase