Figure 5: Comparison of spatial tuning properties between cue-restricted
stimuli. For all panels: Crosshairs show the 95%
confidence intervals of each comparison. Units that were spatially tuned in
both conditions (circles,), either condition alone (diamonds/triangles) or
tuned in neither (squares). Mean ± s.e.m. of units spatially modulated in both
conditions (i.e. of the black circles) is shown by the magenta circles and crosshairs.
Open shapes indicate individual units that significantly changed between
stimuli. (A) Centroid comparison between low-pass stimuli (LPN) and band-pass (BPN,
both tuned N = 22, LPN tuned = 13, BPN tuned = 24, neither tuned = 11). (B)
Centroid comparison between LPN and high-pass stimuli (HPN, both tuned N = 27,
LPN tuned = 19, HPN tuned = 29, neither tuned = 10). (C) Centroid comparison between BPN and HPN
(both tuned N = 23, BPN tuned = 9, HPN tuned = 7, neither tuned = 7). (D) ERRF
width comparison between LPN and BPN. (E) ERRF width comparison between LPN and
BPN. (F) ERRF width comparison between BPN and HPN. (G) Modulation depth
comparison between LPN and BPN. (H) Modulation depth comparison between LPN and
HPN. (I) Modulation depth comparison between BPN and HPN.