posted on 2013-03-16, 08:20authored byTim De Meyer, Evi Mampaey, Michaël Vlemmix, Simon Denil, Geert Trooskens, Jean-Pierre Renard, Sarah De Keulenaer, Pierre Dehan, Gerben Menschaert, Wim Van Criekinge
Fractions of mapped MBD-seq fragments corresponding with specific RRBS methylation degrees (binned per 2%) for the different cell lines (A, HCT15; B, DU145; C, PC3) and kits (violet, MethylMagnet; yellow, MethylCollector; blue, MethylCollector Ultra (MC Ultra); red, MethylCap; green, MethylMiner) with indication of the background profile (black, fractions of all RRBS values measured for specific cell line). Additionally, the same fractions after division by the corresponding background profile fractions are plotted (D, HCT15; E, DU145; F, PC3).