Positive correlation between number of CD68-positive macrophages and sIL-2R levels.
We counted the number of CD68- or CD163-positive macrophages in DLBCL, FL and RLH. Representative images of CD68-positive or CD163-positive macrophages in DLBCL and FL are shown (A–D). We also analyzed the correlations between number of CD68-positive macrophages and sIL-2R levels in DLBCL, FL and RLH. Intrafollicular macrophages were counted in FL and RLH. In both DLBCL and FL, the number of CD 68-positive macrophages was higher than that in RLH. (E) In both DLBCL and FL, the number of CD163-positive macrophages was significantly higher than that in RLH. (F) There was a positive correlation between the number of CD68-positive macrophages and sIL-2R levels in FL (right, ρ = 0.5294, p-value = 0.0289) (G). There was also a positive correlation between the number of CD68-positive macrophages and sIL-2R concentrations in extranodal samples of DLBCL. (right, ρ = 0.5891, p-value = 0.0039) (H). *Significant correlations were observed.