
Immunoelectron microscopic localization of adipophilin in briefly AIM-stimulated and OA-treated human preadipocytes.

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posted on 2014-02-28, 04:20 authored by Hans Heid, Steffen Rickelt, Ralf Zimbelmann, Stefanie Winter, Heiderose Schumacher, Yvette Dörflinger, Caecilia Kuhn, Werner W. Franke

(a) Cells reveal besides perilipin-positive also adipophilin-positive LDs. Localization was performed with mab AP125. A few positive, mostly smaller LDs are seen as well as plenty of non-labeled, larger LDs. Almost all LDs are closely associated and anchored with IF bundles. (b) A small, strongly immunolabeled LD is seen approaching a big, scarcely labeled LD. These LDs are obviously at the rim of combining. (c,d) Enlargements with details of filament attachment and immunolabeling sites which were highlighted by arrows (vimentin IFs) and arrowheads (adipophilin immunoreaction). Bars: a,b: 1 µm; c,d: 0.50 µm.
