Brdicka reaction of metallothionein.
(A) Presumable scheme of the sequence of electrochemical reactions at the mercury electrode when the Brdicka reaction is applied for MT analysis. (B) A typical DPV voltammogram of MT measured in the presence of a supporting electrolyte containing 1 mM Co(NH3)6Cl3 and 1 M NH3(aq)+NH4Cl, pH = 9.6; dotted line: voltammogram of a supporting electrolyte without MT. During MT analysis four peaks, Co1, RS2Co, Cat1 and Cat2 that correspond to the MT level can be observed. Heights of (C) Cat2, (D) RS2Co and (E) Cat1 peaks measured in extracts of various rat tissues. (C) Metallothionein level in single tissues. The highest level is in liver and kidney, i.e. organs providing detoxification, and in brain. In comparison, the level of MT in muscle and in heart is almost 50% lower.