A) IMR-90 cells treated for 72 hours +/- 2 ng/ml TGFβ1 in the presence of 5 µM siRNA (non-targeting, ACTA2, CNN1, TAGLN) were passaged onto microsphere and collagen-coated polyacrylamide substrates with an Elastic modulus of 25 kPa overnight before traction-force measurements. Points are individuals cell measurements from 2 independent experiments. B-D) qPCR confirmation of mRNA knockdown for ACTA2 (B), CNN1 (C), and TAGLN (D).
NIH HL092961
NIH HL105355
Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) Discovery Award in Interstitial Lung Disease
American Lung Association (Lung Association) Catalyst Award
Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) Scholars Award