pone.0300541.s001.tif (3.49 MB)

Size-exclusion chromatogram.

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posted on 2024-03-14, 17:31 authored by Taein Park, Jung Youn Kang, Minwoo Jin, Jihyeong Yang, Hyunwoo Kim, Chaemin Noh, Che-Hun Jung, Soo Hyun Eom

(A) Size-exclusion chromatogram of E. coli GDH full-length (blue line) compared to standards (black solid or dashed lines). The inset contains SDS-PAGE results for the fractions corresponding to GDH. (B) Standard curve generated from a linear fit of the log(molecular weight(kDa)) of the standards versus their elution parameter Kav. The molecular weight of GDH was estimated to be 330 kDa (≈40 kDa for monomer × 8) based on the standard curve.

