Serum levels of estradiol and progesterone.
(A)(C)(E)(G) Mean serum levels of estradiol (A)(E) and progesterone (C)(G). Red dots represent mean values for ZIKV-infected dams, black dots represent mean values for mock-infected dams. Ticks represent the range of values for each group. (A)(C) represent the values 0–7 dpi for all eight ZIKV-infected dams from cohort 1 and all eight mock-infected dams. (E)(G) show the values for only the four dams from the 14 dpi group in cohort 1 and their respective controls (n = 4) for serum hormone levels 0–14 dpi. (B)(D)(F)(H) Calculated area under the curve for respective serum hormone levels. Area under the curve of the ZIKV-infected was compared to the mock-infected using Welch’s t-test. There were no significant differences between groups (ns). (B)(D) ZIKV-infected dams (n = 8) are compared to mock-infected dams (n = 7). One dam had two pregnancies randomly assigned to the 7 dpi mock group. Therefore, an average value between her two pregnancies was used in (B) and (C); thus only seven data points are used for the mock-infected dams. (A)(E) Limit of quantification for the serum estradiol assay was 25 pg/mL and is represented by the dashed line. (C)(G) Limit of quantification for the serum progesterone assay was 0.2 ng/mL and is represented by the dashed line.