Secretory phospholipases in the maternal plasma, amniotic fluid and newborn epithelial lining fluid.
Supplemental Figure S1. Graphs illustrate the main findings divided per analyzed matrix and resumed in Tab.2-3-4 in the main text. Columns and vertical lines represent medians and 25-75th percentiles, respectively. Data are shown for chorioamnionitis cases (CC+) and controls. Horizontal lines indicate significant comparison; data analyzed with Mann-Whitney test.
Supplemental Figure S1 for Secretory phospholipase A2 expression and activity in preterm clinical chorioamnionitis with fetal involvement Daniele De Luca,1,2* Silvia Foligno,1* Chiara Autilio,3 Alexandre Vivanti,4 Melanie Vandekerckhove,4 Jelena Martinovic,5 Roberto Raschetti,1 Loic Guillot6 and Lhousseine Touqui6 *DDL and SF equally contributed and must be considered co-first author. American Journal of Physiology – Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology