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SNP Patterns in Ash Dieback fungus genome from UK, France and Japan samples

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posted on 2013-09-09, 15:22 authored by Dan MacLeanDan MacLean

SNPs between the TGAC KW 1.1 Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus/Chalara fraxinea assembly and samples of the same are plotted. SNPs calculated by alignment with Bowtie2/Tophat then calling with GATK.


Track order - outside -> centre

1 - black lines - scaffolds >= 10 kbp in length

2 - blue stacks - gene models

3 .. 8 - blue scatter = UK isolates

3 - Ashwellthorpe Wood 1

4 - Ashwellthorpe Wood 2

5 - Foxley Wood

6 - Lolly Moor

7 - Upton Broad and Marshes

8 - Weyland Wood

9..10 - pink scatter = French isolates

9 - GIRM2

10 - LSVM2

11..12 - green scatter = Japanese isolates

11 - Japan 1

12 - Japan 2

 SNP listings available at:
