3 files

SB-Onc2.3-Pan-TSG Trunk Driver SB insertion maps for "Promoterless Transposon Mutagenesis Drives Solid Cancers via Tumor Suppressor Inactivation"

Version 2 2020-09-30, 13:55
Version 1 2020-08-18, 12:04
posted on 2020-09-30, 13:55 authored by Aziz Aiderus, Ana M. Contreras-Sandoval, Amanda L. Meshey, Justin NewbergJustin Newberg, Jerrold M. Ward, Deborah Swing, Neal G. Copeland, Nancy A. Jenkins, Karen MannKaren Mann, Michael MannMichael Mann
SB-Onc2.3-Pan-TSG Trunk Driver SB insertion maps for manuscript: Promoterless Transposon Mutagenesis Drives Solid Cancers via Tumor Suppressor Inactivation. 2020. Aziz Aiderus, Ana M. Contreras-Sandoval, Amanda L. Meshey, Justin Y. Newberg, Jerrold M. Ward, Deborah Swing, Neal G. Copeland, Nancy A. Jenkins, Karen M. Mann, and Michael B. Mann. A ZIP archive contains SB insertion gene maps for all 59 genome-significant Trunk Drivers (with 100 reads in 3 or more tumors) from the SB-Onc2.3-Pan-TSG dataset. Once unzipped, the archive contains HTML files named for the gene depicted once opened in a compatible browser. Two HTML files depicted the 24 Trunk Driver gene oncoprint and gene maps from "Figure 6: SB-Onc2.3-Pan-TSG driver discovery" in the manuscript.


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