
Predicting trial-by-trial subjective time from human BOLD.

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posted on 2022-07-07, 17:41 authored by Maxine T. Sherman, Zafeirios Fountas, Anil K. Seth, Warrick Roseboom

(A) Mean normalized bias for the model trained on visual cortex activity, as a function of 25 quantiles of human bias. Colors represent x-axis values. Results show a positive association between human biases and model-predicted biases. (B) Heat map depicting p-values for the association between human bias and (visual cortex) model bias, as a function of minimum (x-axis) and maximum (y-axis) criterion values. Dark colors represent regions where the association was non-significant at α0.05 or negative. Consistent results are found under a wide range of reasonable parameter values. (C,E). As for panel A, but for auditory and somatosensory cortex respectively. There is no association between human bias and model biases. (D,F). As for panel B, but for auditory and somatosensory cortex respectively. No significant positive correlation is found under alternative reasonable parameter values.
