pone.0205611.g007.tif (178.39 kB)

Pitting areas percentage (% Area) on alloys’ surfaces tested in static and dynamic conditions.

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posted on 2018-10-10, 18:12 authored by Lumei Liu, Sang-Ho Ye, Xinzhu Gu, Teal Russell, Zhigang Xu, Jagannathan Sankar, William R. Wagner, Young-Choon Lee, Yeoheung Yun

The pittings were observed by SEM on surfaces of Non-coated, PCUU, PLGA coated alloys after removing attached endothelial cells, left coating and corrosion products. The pitting areas and percentage on alloys surfaces and under coatings were calculated with ImageJ software. * represents the significant difference of between pitting area percentages of Non-coated, PCUU and PLGA coated alloys on same alloy’s surface (P<0.05).
