pone.0234539.g007.tif (2.93 MB)

Physiological/cellular pathways and serum peptides/proteins found changing in Table 3 comparing CABG patients with and without T2DM.

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posted on 2020-08-05, 18:15 authored by James R. Hocker, Megan Lerner, Stan A. Lightfoot, Marvin D. Peyton, Jess L. Thompson, Subrato Deb, Mathew Reinersman, R. Jane Hanas, Russel G. Postier, Barish H. Edil, Harold M. Burkhart, Jay S. Hanas

Affected/altered physiological/cellular pathways using the 58 serum peptide/protein assignments from Table 3 that distinguished CABG with T2DM patients from CABG patients without T2DM from the sera samples used in Fig 6 panel D. Analysis was performed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) bioinformatics software (Qiagen, Inc.).
