
Motivation is correlated with baseline phenotypes and the effectiveness of exercise.

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posted on 2016-10-13, 17:41 authored by Sean Mendez, Louis Watanabe, Rachel Hill, Meredith Owens, Jason Moraczewski, Glenn C. Rowe, Nicole C. Riddle, Laura K. Reed

Data from Study B. Units as in Fig 4. Error bars indicate one SEM. Within a graph, bars identified with different letters are statistically different from each other at p<0.05. A. Average weights were significantly higher in highly motivated flies. B. Climbing ability improved with age specifically in the high motivation flies. C. Total glucose levels were increased with exercise in the low motivation flies specifically, but high motivation lines maintained a high total sugar content independent of exercise. D. Exercised flies showed an increase in glycerol specifically in the low motivation flies. E. Tissue specific effects on glycerol were only observed in the low motivation flies. F. Baseline protein differed between tissues in the low and high motivation flies.
