
L-M317 STR marker likelihood tree focusing Alpine cluster

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Version 3 2013-01-03, 16:17
Version 2 2013-01-03, 16:17
Version 1 2013-01-03, 16:15
posted on 2013-01-03, 16:15 authored by Christian RottensteinerChristian Rottensteiner

Jan. 2013: Comparison for the "Tyrolean-Ladin cluster" under L-M317 with DYS425=0: 2700 and E10323 had 67 markers, 199893 and 214163 had 37 Markers. All other kits have 67 or 111 Markers. If DYS425=0 is a common "unique event" is still unclear as seen by this comparison. One kit (97848) was forgotten to be included. The age of the common root L-M317 is still unclear and also for the more ancient root L-M20 no high consensus is reached: Wikipedia states "25,000-30,000 years BP", while some STR-comparison trees (M.Heinila) go down to 15,000 YBP. Based on this L-M317 has a range from to 16,000 to 8,500 YBP.
For better confidence an upgrade of 199893 to 67 Markers would be interesting: he shares one mutation with 2700, while 2700 and E10323 share two mutations looking at the common 37 markers. Obviously also the marker upgrade of 214163 will help.
214163, 199893 and 2700 should also test the SNP M317 for confirmation of the common deep root. For best possible confidence all four kits need 111 Markers. For better calibration and comparison distant paternal lineage cousins could help (most distant by known genealogy).
For the future a common SNP of the "Tyrolean-Ladin cluster" should be searched: if no public Y-chromosome sequence will be available one or two of the kits should do a sequencing, if this gets cheap enough. 


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