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Invisible Maze Task (IMT): Procedure

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posted on 2018-03-04, 17:05 authored by Lukas GehrkeLukas Gehrke
Participant displayed from a bird's eye view located at the starting point of an ``I''-maze. The star marks the starting position but was not visible during the experiment. Participants were instructed to explore the maze and return to the start after full exploration of the maze. \textbf{B} Four mazes were used in the study including an ``I'', ``L'', ``Z'', and ``U'' shaped maze clockwise from lower left to lower right. Each maze was explored three times before the next maze was learned. \textbf{C} Exemplary first-person view in \textit{binocular} ``VR optics'' of subject in A (above) touching the wall to the right. \textbf{D} Top: after returning to the starting location, participants drew a top-down view of the explored maze. The participant wears high-density wireless EEG, head-mounted virtual reality goggles and LEDs for motion capture attached to the hands, goggles, and torso. Bottom: screenshot of drawn sketch map. As a visual guidance during drawing, a small red dot was rendered at the position of the tracked hand.
