Ibacus_leg_motor_neurons_Figure_3.png (2.6 MB)

Ibacus leg motor neurons Figure 3

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Version 2 2012-09-05, 10:37
Version 1 2012-09-06, 03:16
posted on 2012-09-05, 10:37 authored by Zen FaulkesZen Faulkes

Distal leg motor neurons of slipper lobsters, Ibacus spp. (Decapoda: Scyllaridae)

Representative backfills from Ibacus peronii. A-C. N1AV backfills. A. Photograph of nonintensified incomplete T3 backfill. Medial cell is in a slightly different focal plane than anteriorlateral cluster. Image has been contrast enhanced. B. Camera lucida drawing of putatively complete fill. Cell bodies in anterior-lateral cluster coloured grey to distinguish overlapping cell bodies. C. Camera lucida drawing of putatively incomplete T5 backfill. D-F. N1PV backfills. D. Photograph of non-intensified incomplete T2 backfill. Image has been contrast enhanced. E. Camera lucida drawing of putatively complete T5 backill. F. Camera lucida drawing of putatively complete T1 backfill. Cell bodies in anterior-lateral cluster coloured grey to distinguish overlapping cell bodies.
