posted on 2017-06-29, 17:45authored byPatricia Yuste-Checa, Ana I. Vega, Cristina Martín-Higueras, Celia Medrano, Alejandra Gámez, Lourdes R. Desviat, Magdalena Ugarte, Celia Pérez-Cerdá, Belén Pérez
A) COS-7 cells were cotransfected with the wild type GPT-GFP fused protein (green fluorescence) or the protein bearing the mutations (p.Phe110Ser, p.Leu120Met, p.Val264Gly, p.Arg301Cys, p.Arg301His and p.Leu385Arg) and with the Calreticulin-DsRed fused protein (red fluorescence) as an ER marker. B) Quantification of GPT-GFP (colocalised with Calnexin-DsRed protein) fluorescence intensity. Data were collected from two different experiments; at least 80 images were analysed. Data represent mean ± SD. ***p<0.001.