
Cultural Heritage Reconstruction: Case Study Photogrammetry Relief Kijang Sarabha Borobudur - Data

posted on 2024-11-19, 02:22 authored by Ferric LimanoFerric Limano

Borobudur Temple, as a cultural heritage, experiences unavoidable damage from degradation, human activities, and disasters. These problems must be resolved by considering the form and value of Borobudur Temple for future generations. This research aims to reconstruct cultural heritage by focusing on the case study of the Kijang Sarabha relief at Borobudur Temple. Digital restoration has previously been conducted by the Borobudur Conservation Center using 3D photogrammetry laser scanning technology. This restoration effort will continue with the goal of sustainability. The research is practical in design and utilizes a black box process framework method, which consists of the following steps: inputting the 3D photogrammetry of the relief, analyzing literature, references, and documentation within the black box, and outputting the reconstructed deer relief object. The result of this research is a digital reconstruction of the Kijang Sarabha relief, which could serve as a recommendation for digital reconstruction processes for other cultural heritage objects. The techniques used not only rely on initial 3D photogrammetry data but also include 3D modeling techniques such as displacement mapping, pro cutter 3D, and texturing. This research can serve as a reference for further studies on the restoration and reconstruction of cultural heritage using 3D digital design technology.


Bina Nusantara University
