
CATALISE simplified flowchart

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posted on 2020-02-29, 11:23 authored by Dorothy V M BishopDorothy V M Bishop
Simplified version of Figure 1 from Bishop et al (2017), p. 1075.
See the original figure for more detailed information, linking specific decision points to CATALISE statements.
The 2017 paper explains what is included in 'associated biomedical condition X', viz brain injury, acquired epileptic aphasia in childhood, certain neurodegenerative conditions, cerebral palsy, oral language limitations associated with sensori-neural hearing loss, autism, intellectual disability and genetic conditions such as Down syndrome.
Where developmental language disorder is identified, the diagnosis should also specify additional information about co-occurring disorder, risk factors, and areas of language impairment.
Reference: Bishop D. V. M. et al (2017). Phase 2 of CATALISE. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58, 1068-1080.


Wellcome Trust Programme Grant 082498/Z/07/Z
