
data from: Linking bacterial diversity to floral identity in the bumble bee pollen basket

posted on 2020-11-10, 01:46 authored by Nicholas SookhanNicholas Sookhan, Scott MacIvorScott MacIvor, Antonio Lorenzo, Shinichi Tatsumi, Mandy Yuen


Contains 10 tabs (5 data tables each with an associated metadata tab):

(1) Site: Coordinates of locations in Rouge National Urban Park where Bombus specimens were sampled.

(2) Specimen: Individual level data for Bombus specimens. This includes species identity, site sampled, and month sampled.

(3) pollen: Community data matrix of pollen grains identified to the family level for each Bombus specimen’s corbiculate pollen load.

(4) otu_list: Taxonomic annotations for all bacterial OTUs identified in Bombus corbiculate pollen specimens.

(5) otu: community data matrix of bacterial OTU sequence reads identified in pollen grains for each Bombus specimen

(6) otu_genus: community data matrix of bacterial OTU sequence reads resolved to genus level identified in pollen grains for each Bombus specimen.


Phylogeny of all OTUs identified in Bombus corbiculate pollen specimens.


NSERC: RGPIN-2018-05660

JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship: 201860500
