SBGV & Dynamics of Conflict Dataset
The SGBV & Dynamics of Conflict dataset is comprised of SGBV reports for seven conflict-affected country cases, allowing the study to meet the following criteria: 1) representation of the five different types of conflict; 2) cases in the top 20 for conflict deaths/attacks during the 2010–2020 period and, 3) inclusion of cases from different global regions (Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East).
Using the codebook on this page, SGBV reports are analysed across three years in each of the following countries: Central African Republic (one-sided [rebel-led] violence), Colombia (state-based violence), Myanmar (one-sided [state-led] violence), Nigeria (terrorism), Philippines (one-sided violence [terrorism]), South Sudan (fragile), and Syria (non-state-based and state-based violence).
Data is collected from the content of open-source reports, both official (government and inter-governmental) and unofficial (non-governmental and media) following guidance of the Office of the ICC Prosecutor (2014: 22) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR 2014a) on the sources of information that may be taken into account and designated as official (government and international organization reports) versus unofficial (media and civil society or non-government organization reports) when building a profile of SGBV reports.
A report is coded when at least one listed SGBV crime is mentioned. Two sources were used to collect reports: the UN document reference site UNHCR RefWorld; and Factiva, a DowJones news aggregator site. We specifically code a report in RefWorld when any of the words ‘rape raping raped rapes gender sexual’ were mentioned and in Factiva with the code work ‘sex crimes’.