Population genetic of hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata; Linnaeus, 1766) in the Persian Gulf: structure and historical demography
This study investigates the population genetics and historical demography of the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Persian Gulf. Utilizing non-invasive methods, we collected shell samples from fresh, non-yolky eggs of 127 different nests during a single nesting season. The sampling locations included: - Qeshm (n = 35) - Kish (n = 26) - Lavan & Shidvar (n = 23) - Nayband (n = 13) - Nakhiloo & Ommolkaram (n = 23) - Kharkoo (n = 7) fsa.zip: Our analysis focuses on genetic diversity, population structure, and historical migration patterns within these populations. The findings contribute to understanding the conservation needs of hawksbill turtles in this region, which is crucial for their management and protection. For SSR genotyping we employed the capillary fragment analysis methodology based on UFL labeling, as described by Shimizu et al. (2002). The primers were modified accordingly, with the addition of the M13 sequence (CAGTCGGGCGTCA) to the 5' end of forward primers and the PIG sequence (GTTT) to the 5' end of reverse primers. Fluorescent dyes of FAM, HEX, and TAMRA were used for the final PCR labeling, with a FAM/HEX/TAMRA multiplexing ratio of 1:2:2, respectively. DIYABC.zip: In the first scenario, all clusters disperse simultaneously in the Persian Gulf. In scenario 2, clusters disperse in five successive events in the Persian Gulf: First, the population of cluster A (Qeshm Island) enters, and then the populations of cluster B (Kish Island) originate from cluster A and migrate to the coast of this island for nesting. In the same way, the population of cluster C (Lavan Island) originates from cluster B, cluster D (Shidvar, Kharkoo Islands, and Nayband bay) originates from cluster C, and cluster E (Ommolkaram and Nakhiloo) originates from cluster D. In scenario 3, the populations of cluster D and E originate from cluster C. In scenario 4, the populations of cluster B and C originate from cluster A and migrate simultaneously to the coast of this island for nesting. AMOVA.xlsx: This dataset includes the results of an Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) along with a pairwise Fst matrix derived from genetic data across multiple populations. The accompanying Excel sheet contains detailed calculations for the Fst values, as well as the Bonferroni correction applied to adjust for multiple testing. Data Availability: The dataset includes detailed genetic analyses and sample information from various nesting sites across the Persian Gulf. This research aims to provide insights into connectivity of hawksbill turtle populations of several islands in this ecologically significant area. Keywords: Hawksbill sea turtle, population genetics, Persian Gulf, conservation, historical demography |