GloUCP: A global 1 km spatially continuous urban canopy parameters for the WRF model.
Version 2
This dataset provides Global Urban Canopy Parameters (GloUCP) at a 1-km resolution for approximately the year 2020, which is derived from the global three-dimensional building footprint (3D-GloBFP) dataset generated by Che et al. (2024). The data is divided into 288 tiles, each stored in a compressed file, covering 15°×15° geographic regions. The corresponding geographic area for each compressed file can be identified from its filename (e.g., contains data for the region spanning 105°E-120°E and 15°N-30°N, while corresponds to the region between 180°W-165°W and 60°S-45°S).
Each compressed file includes 255 geogrid binary format files, with each file representing a 1°×1° region. The specific geographic coverage of each file can be determined by consulting the index file and the file names, as explained in the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) User Guide.(e.g., 35161-35280.14281-14400 contains data for the region spanning 113°E-114°E and 29°N-30°N).
Furthermore this dataset incorporates 1 km resolution imprevious surface fraction data for the year 2020, derived from the Global Artificial Imprevious Area (GAIA) dataset created by Gong et al. (2020). It is provided alongside the GloUCP dataset, and allows users to conveniently define land cover/use types in WRF simulations based on the consistent imprevious fraction data. (2024.01.10)
Che, Y., Li, X., Liu, X.*, Wang, Y., Liao, W., Zheng, X., Zhang, X., Xu, X., Shi, Q., Zhu, J., Yuan, H., and Dai, Y. 2024: 3D-GloBFP: the first global three-dimensional building footprint dataset, Earth System Science Data, 16, 5357–5374. doi: 10.5194/essd-16-5357-2024.
Gong, P.*, Li, X.C., Wang, J.*, Bai, Y., Chen, B., Hu, T.Y., Liu, X.P., Xu, B., Yang, J., Zhang, W., & Zhou, Y.Y. 2020. Annual maps of global artificial impervious areas (GAIA) between 1985 and 2018. Remote Sensing of Environment, 236, 111510. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111510.