
Correlation between Craniocervical Posture and Upper Airway Dimension in Patients with Bilateral Anterial Disc Displacement

Version 2 2023-10-14, 15:26
Version 1 2023-10-14, 15:15
posted on 2023-10-14, 15:26 authored by Wanfang XiangWanfang Xiang, Min Wang, Mingqin Cai, Zhihui Li, Binjie Hou, Xiaojing Pan

# Correlation between Craniocervical Posture and Upper Airway Dimension in Patients with Bilateral Anterial Disc Displacement

[Access this dataset on figshare](10.6084/m9.figshare.24298342)

The brief summary of dataset contents include The following raw analytics data: Correlation analysis between Craniocervical Posture and Upperairway, Craniocervical Posture Measurement Data and Upper Airway Dimension Measurement Data.

# Description of the data and file structure

Use the data analysis methods in the manuscript to analyze the three datasets separately, obtain the desired data results, and draw charts based on these results.

Data was derived from the following sources:

- School of Stomatology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, PR China

A cross-sectional retrospective study was methodically planned and executed to effectively address the research objective. The study population consisted of patients diagnosed with anterior disc displacement with or without Restlessness (ADDWR or ADDWoR) who were hospitalized to the Temporomandibular Joint Specialist Clinic during January 2020 to December 2022. The study protocol received approval from the Ethics Committee for Clinical Scientific Research at School of Stomatology.

# Code/Software

Investigational equipment

All subjects underwent CBCT scan and lateral cephalogram in the Department of Radiology, Stomatology Hospital. The products models were ORTHOPHOSSL3D (Sirona Dental System GmbH, Germany) and KaVo OP 3D Vision (Imaging Sciences international, United States).

The Dolphin11.95 program was employed to correct the three-dimensional head position based on the CBCT data from the samples in the study.

A cross-sectional retrospective study was methodically planned and executed to effectively address the research objective. The study population consisted of patients diagnosed with anterior disc displacement with or without Restlessness (ADDWR or ADDWoR) who were hospitalized to the Temporomandibular Joint Specialist Clinic at Hospital of Stomatology in China during January 2020 to December 2022. The study protocol received approval from the Ethics Committee for Clinical Scientific Research at School of Stomatology.

1.Investigational equipment

All subjects underwent CBCT scan and lateral cephalogram in the Department of Radiology, Stomatology Hospital. The products models were ORTHOPHOSSL3D (Sirona Dental System GmbH, Germany) and KaVo OP 3D Vision (Imaging Sciences international, United States).

2.Process Measurement

Ⅰ. Reconstruction of Head Position ( The Dolphin11.95 program was employed to correct the three-dimensional head position based on the CBCT data from the samples in the study. )

Ⅱ. Upper airway reconstruction ( The three-dimensional reconstruction of the upper airway was performed by Dolphin11.95 software. Refer to relevant literature [17,18], The upper airway can be anatomically separated into three discrete parts: nasopharynx, velopharynx, and glossopharynx. )

Ⅲ. Measuring items ( Based on the Dolphin Imaging 11.8 (America) and Uceph 4.2.1 (Chengdu, Sichuan) software, the measurement items related to craniocervical posture were measured. )

3.Statistical analysis

PASS 15.0.5 was used to calculate the sample size power for this study. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS (version 22.0, IBM). Shapiro-Wilk was used for normality test, Levene was used for homogeneity of variance test, LSD-t tests were used for each measurement to evaluate the average of differences between the sides for each element of the sample. All variables distributions were tested using Kruskal-Wallis when it didn’t obey normal distribution. When it obeyed normal distribution, ANOVA was used when variances were homogeneous; and Brown-Forsythe Anova was used when variances were heterogeneous. x±s was used for description when the data obeyed normal distribution, otherwise M (P25, P75) description.


this study is funded by School of Stomatology, Lanzhou University


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