颞下颌关节上下腔注射富血小板血浆或透明质酸治疗颞下颌关节骨关节炎的疗效比较-- 实验原始数据 Original data of "Comparison of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis Treatment Efficacy of Platelet-rich Plasma and Hyaluronic Acid Injection in Upper or Lower TMJ Space".xlsx
The original data of the research "Comparison of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis Treatment Efficacy of Platelet-rich Plasma and Hyaluronic Acid Injection in Upper or Lower TMJ Space"
To compare the efficacy of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) osteoarthritis (OA) treatment efficacy of the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and hyaluronic acid (HA) injection in upper or lower TMJ space.
A total of 60 TMJ-OA patients were randomly assigned to four groups: HA injection in upper TMJ space(n=20); HA injection in the lower-TMJ space (n=20); PRP injection in upper-TMJ space (n=10); PRP injection in lower-TMJ space (n=10). All patients were injected with HA or PRP 3 times at 2-week intervals of each injection. After the first injection, all participants received 750 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride, twice a day for 1.5 months, and wore a stabilization splint for 10 h a day for 2.5 months. The Helkimo Anamnestic index (Ai) and Clinical dysfunction index (Di) were used to evaluate clinical symptoms and condylar healing morphology was assessed by Cone beam Computer Tomography (CBCT) imaging. Results The Helkimo index significantly decreased in all groups at the 3-month follow-up compared to before the treatment. PRP injection in the lower-TMJ space exhibited better improvement in the Helkimo index compared with HA injection in the upper-TMJ space (P < 0.05). PRP injection in the lower-TMJ space showed a better maximum active mouth opening (MMO) improvement than the HA injection in the lower-TMJ space (P < 0.05). Regarding both the Helkimo index and MMO improvement, PRP or HA injection in lower space showed better results compared with PRP or HA injection in upper space. There were no statistically significant differences in TMJ subchondral bone parameters improvement scores among the groups.
In patients with TMJ-OA, injection of HA or PRP in the lower-TMJ space was more effective in alleviating clinical symptoms than injection into the upper-TMJ space. The combination of HA/PRP injection, glucosamine hydrochloride, and stabilization splint proved to be an effective combination therapy. Furthermore, PRP injection demonstrated slightly better results than HA in terms of clinical symptoms and MMO recovery. PRP injection could be a promising therapeutic approach for TMJ-OA.