Leave-one-out cross-validation results of all methods on the NCBI PPI network.
Results of each tested prioritization method on the NCBI PPI network. Mean and standard deviation of four evaluation measures (AUC, MAP, and percentage of left-out genes ranked in tops 10 and 20), obtained for 10 complete leave-one-out cross-validations on the 29 disease sets using 10 distinct previously generated candidate sets. ‘SRec’: percentage of left-out genes (from the total number of seeds in the original seed sets: 620) effectively ranked, that is, yielding a ranking score larger than zero. ‘DRec’: percentage of recovered diseases among the 29 diseases with seeds (a disease is recovered if at least one of its left-out genes obtained a ranking score larger than zero). ‘SEval’: percentage of left-out genes (from the total number of seeds originally in the seed sets: 620) in the network. All evaluation measures, AUC, MAP, TOP 10 and TOP 20, were computed taking into account only the left-out genes present in each network (SEval), rather than all the genes originally in the seed sets. Parameters: HDiffusion (, ), PRank (, ).