report2_2018_ChaoF_Appendix_Under-5-mortality-rate-by-economic-status-for-low-income-and-middle-income-countries.pdf (4.15 MB)

Web appendix National and regional under-5 mortality rate by economic status for low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic assessment

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posted on 2020-06-06, 12:15 authored by Fengqing ChaoFengqing Chao, Danzhen You, Jon Pedersen, Lucia Hug, Leontine Alkema

This web appendix formed part of the original submission and has been peer reviewed. The journal post it as supplied by the authors.

Supplement to: Chao F, You D, Pedersen J, Hug L, Alkema L. National and regional under-5 mortality rate by economic status for low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic assessment. Lancet Glob Health 2018; 6: e535-47.


Research grant from the National University of Singapore: R-608-000-125-646

UN Children's Fund

United States Agency for International Development

To provide high quality data and analysis for ensuring accountability on meeting the health Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly child nutrition and child mortality

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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