91 files

Wave fetch GIS layers for Europe at 100m scale

posted on 2020-04-01, 09:04 authored by Michael BurrowsMichael Burrows
This data layer gives values of summed wave fetch in 32 angular sectors around focal cells, using a model modified from that given in Burrows et al (2012 - see reference). Wave fetch is the distance to the nearest land in a defined direction. The model performs a three-scale search for land around each cell in the model, sparsely (every 10km) up to 200km, every 1km up to 20km away, and every 100m up to 1km distant. Fetch is calculated up to 5km from the coastline.

Values represent the summed number of grid cells to the nearest land across all 32 11.5° sectors. The file is a GeoTIFF using the WGS84 projection.


NE/L003058/1 Integrated Macroecology and Modelling to Elucidate Regulation of Services from Ecosystems (MERP)
