5 files

Evolution of egg shape in birds: adaptations during the incubation period

Version 2 2020-07-19, 01:25
Version 1 2018-08-25, 00:26
posted on 2020-07-19, 01:25 authored by Timothy BirkheadTimothy Birkhead, James E Thompson, John Biggins, Robert MontgomerieRobert Montgomerie
These files are supplements for Birkhead TR, Thompson JE, Biggins JD, Montgomerie R (2018) The evolution of egg shape in birds: selection during the incubation period. Ibis in press, doi: 10.1111/ibi.12658

The files are: aukpenguinDATA.csv = all of the data analyzed in this paper; aukpenguin.Rmd = R script for all of the analyses reported in the main text plus the Supplementary Information for the paper. Also included are tests of statistical assumptions and some further exploration of the patterns reported. This file includes a summary of all the variables in the datafile (aukpenguinDATA.csv); aukpenguinTREE.phy = phylogenetic information in Newick format; BirkheadStatsSuppl.pdf = PDF generated by knitting aukpenguin.Rmd


Leverhulme Trust and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
