
Supplementary Material for Study on Flipped Classroom and Tooth Anatomy: Survey, Focus Group, Themes and Excerpts

Version 2 2024-10-29, 09:39
Version 1 2024-10-20, 02:56
posted on 2024-10-29, 09:39 authored by Avita RathAvita Rath

This file contains supplementary materials related to the study "Enhancing Tooth Anatomy Education: Integrating Lecturio in a Flipped Classroom for Year 1 Undergraduate Dental Students." The materials include:

  • Student Perception Survey Questions used to assess engagement, satisfaction, and perceived effectiveness of the flipped classroom approach.
  • Focus Group Topic Guide outlining the questions and structure for gathering qualitative feedback on the flipped classroom experience.
  • Qualitative Themes and Excerpts derived from focus group discussions, including key themes such as active learning, flexibility, enhanced visualization, and improved preparedness.
  • SRQR checklist

These materials support the mixed-methods research on the effectiveness of incorporating the Lecturio platform into a flipped classroom model for teaching tooth anatomy.
