Supplememntary data S1-8
Supplementary data S1-S8 to support the manuscript entitled:
"Providing humans with practical, best practice handling guidelines during human-cat interactions increases cats’ affiliative behaviour and reduces aggression and signs of conflict"
Authors: Camilla Haywood1 , Lucia Ripari2 , Jo Puzzo1, Rachel Foreman-Worsley2 and Lauren R Finka2,1*
1 Battersea Dogs and Cat Home, Battersea, London, UK
2 Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, Brackenhurst Campus, Southwell, UK
Supplementary data S1 - Participant questionnaire
Supplementary data S2 - Excel work book containing the following data sheets: Cat demographics and L-CAT scores, coding ethogram, cat ratings by participants, human handling ratings, behaviour data for ICC2 calculations, ICC2 results, all behaviour measure data, dataset for glm analysis, human demographics
Supplementary data S3 - Participant instructions for control condition
Supplementary data S4 - Educational video - CAT guidelines
Supplementary data S5 - Participant instructions for intervention condition
Supplementary data S6 - CAT guidelines poster
Supplementary data S7 - Participant cat rating sheet