Soybean Expression Atlas v2
This directory contains important files created during the construction
of the Soybean Expression Atlas v2.
Directory structure
Here, you can find the following files:
- `se_atlas_gene.rda`: A *SummarizedExperiment* object containing gene-level
transcript abundances in TPM and bias-corrected counts, which are stored
in the `gene_TPM` and `gene_counts` assays, respectively.
- `se_atlas_transcript.rda`: A *SummarizedExperiment* object containing
transcript-level transcript abundances in TPM and counts, which are
stored in the `tx_TPM` and `tx_counts` assays, respectively.
- `equivalence_classes.tar.gz`: A compressed directory containing
equivalence classes generated by salmon for all BioSamples. Equivalence classes
are typically used for differential transcript usage analyses.
- `parquet_dir.tar.gz`: A partitioned .parquet directory with the gene-level
transcript abundances in TPM and bias-corrected counts created with the *arrow*