
Soil data from Pinus radiata forests in New Zealand – FR380 trial series

Version 2 2022-10-04, 21:27
Version 1 2022-10-04, 21:09
posted on 2022-10-04, 21:27 authored by Loretta GarrettLoretta Garrett, Michael Watt, Craig Ross, Graham Coker, Murray Davis, Jonathan SandermanJonathan Sanderman, Roger Parfitt, John Dando, Robyn SimcockRobyn Simcock, David Palmer, Fiona Dean, Sunita Patel, Jamie Bridson, Tom Carlin, Tim Payn, Brian Richardson, Andrew Dunningham, Peter W. Clinton

Authors: L.G. Garrett1, M.S. Watt2, C.W. Ross3, G. Coker2, M.R. Davis2, J. Sanderman4, R. Parfitt3, J. Dando3, R. Simcock5, D.J. Palmer2, F. Dean1, S. Patel1, J.H. Bridson1, T. Carlin2, T. Payn1, B. Richardson1, A. Dunningham1, P.W. Clinton2

Affiliation: 1 Scion, Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand; 2 Scion, PO Box 29237, Riccarton, Christchurch 8440, New Zealand; 3 Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, Private Bag 11052, Palmerston North, New Zealand; 4 Woodwell Climate Research Center, 149 Woods Hole Road, Falmouth, MA 02540, USA; 5 Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand.

A soil dataset from the FR380 trial series spanning 35 Pinus radiata forest sites in New Zealand. The dataset underpins three existing publications by Watt et al. (2005; 2008) and Ross et al. (2009) which details sample sites and the time zero (i.e. time of tree planting) sample collection and testing method. The publication by Garrett et al., (2022) details the soil mid-infrared spectroscopy method and extension on soil chemistry testing using the same time zero samples.   

The data is identified by an individual trial site ID and soil profile ID. Individual samples collected from site/soil profile are then identified by an individual soil horizon number and lab letter. Soil chemistry testing was undertaken at two laboratories, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research and Scion, which allocated individual lab ID’s. The linkage between these two sample ID’s, allocated to the same sample, are shown in the file ‘FR380_chemical’. The MIR spectra files use the Scion lab sample ID.  

The data includes: 

· File ‘FR380_sitedescription’: FR380 trial site description by trial ID and soil profile ID, including site location and description, soil classification, land use at time of trial installation and forest rotation number. 

· File ‘’FR380_soilprofile’: FR380 trial site soil profile description by trial ID, soil profile ID and horizon number.

· File ‘FR380_chemical’: FR380 trial soil chemical properties by trial ID, soil profile ID, horizon number and lab letter, and induvial laboratory soil chemistry sample ID from both Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research and Scion. 

· File ‘FR380_particlesize: FR380 trial soil particle size properties by trial ID, soil profile ID and horizon number and lab letter. 

· File ‘FR380_physical’: FR380 trial soil physical properties by trial ID, soil profile ID, horizon number and lab letter. 

· Folder ‘FR380_MIR spectra’: FR380 trial soil Mid-Infrared spectra opus files by Scion sample ID. 

· Folder ‘FR380_MIR spectra_csv’: FR380 trial soil Mid-Infrared spectra csv files by Scion sample ID.  

· Folder ‘FR380_soil profile images’: FR380 trial soil profile image files by trial site ID.   

Contact: Loretta Garrett (


Funding to publish the data came from the Tree-Root-Microbiome programme, which is funded by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) Endeavour Fund and in part by the New Zealand Forest Growers Levy Trust (C04X2002). Funding for the soil spectroscopy data and extension of soil chemical properties came from the Resilient Forest programme, which is funded by New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) Strategic Science Investment Fund, and in part by the New Zealand Forest Growers Levy Trust (C04X1703) and the Tree-Root-Microbiome programme (C04X2002). Funding for the sample collection and initial testing was provided from the Protecting and Enhancing the Environment through Forestry, which was funded by the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (C04X0304). Sites for the trial series were provided by numerous forest companies and private land owners, for which we are grateful. Individual laboratories who provided soil analyses are identified in the dataset and thanked. 


Garrett LG, Sanderman J, Palmer DJ, Dean F, Patel S, Bridson JH, Carlin T (2022) Mid-infrared spectroscopy for planted forest soil and foliage nutrition predictions, New Zealand case study. Trees, Forests and People 8: 100280.

Ross, C.W., Watt, M.S., Parfitt, R.L., Simcock, R., Dando, J., Coker, G., Clinton, P.W., Davis, M.R., 2009. Soil quality relationships with tree growth in exotic forests in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management 258, 2326-2334.

Watt, M.S., Coker, G., Clinton, P.W., Davis, M.R., Parfitt, R., Simcock, R., Garrett, L., Payn, T., Richardson, B., Dunningham, A., 2005. Defining sustainability of plantation forests through identification of site quality indicators influencing productivity—A national view for New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management 216, 51-63.

Watt, M.S., Davis, M.R., Clinton, P.W., Coker, G., Ross, C., Dando, J., Parfitt, R.L., Simcock, R., 2008. Identification of key soil indicators influencing plantation productivity and sustainability across a national trial series in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management 256, 180-190.


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