Single nucleotide variants - filtered data for publication: "Evolution in the landscape of single nucleotide variants at diagnosis and relapse in patients with B-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) – a comparison of patients with Philadelphia Chromosome-Like (Ph-like) ALL and non Ph-like ALL"
Single nucleotide variants - filtered data for publication: "Evolution in the landscape of single nucleotide variants at diagnosis and relapse in patients with B-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) – a comparison of patients with Philadelphia Chromosome-Like (Ph-like) ALL and non Ph-like ALL"
All Ph-like patients and controls referred to in the above publication within thesis: "Genomics, Diagnosis, Novel Targeted Therapies and Characterisation of the Drivers of Relapse in Philadelphia Chromosome-Like Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia" have been included as a dataset here. Please refer to the full publication for explanation with regard to the demographics of the dataset. Ph-like patients have been annotated in their file names. All other patients are controls. All data has been deidentified.