
ReCiPe2016v1.1 for FEDEFLv1.2 (No flows)

posted on 2024-06-04, 21:31 authored by Ben YoungBen Young

ReCiPe2016 (Huijbregts 2017) is a life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method. LCIA methods are collections of characterization factors, which are measures of relative potency or potential impact, for a given flow (e.g., NH3 to air) for a set of impact categories (e.g., acidification), provided in units of potency or impact equivalents per unit mass of the flowable associated with a given context (e.g., 1.88 kg SO2 eq/kg NH3 emitted to air). LCIA methods are typically used along with life cycle inventory data to estimate potential impacts in life cycle assessment (LCA). ReCiPe2016 produces 18 midpoint indicators and 3 endpoint indicators, and both midpoint and endpoint are provided using Individualist (I), Hierarchist (H), and Egalitarian (E) cultural perspectives.

The FEDEFL or Federal LCA Commons Elementary Flow List (EPA 2019) is the standardized elementary flow list for use with data meeting the US Federal LCA Commons data guidelines.

In this dataset, ReCiPe2016 is applied to FEDEFL v1.2.3 flows. This dataset was created by the LCIA Formatter v1.1.3 ( The LCIA Formatter is a tool for providing standardized life cycle impact assessment methods with characterization factors transparently applied to flows from an authoritative flow list, like the FEDEFL. The LCIA Formatter draws from the original ReCiPe2016 source file and the ReCiPe2016 to FEDEFL flow mapping. The LCIA formatter accesses this mapping file through the fedelemflowlist tool ( Where a flow context is less specific in the FEDEFL (e.g., air) relative to the ReCiPe2016 flow contexts (e.g., air/rural), the LCIA Formatter applies the average of the relevant characterization factors from ReCiPe2016 to the FEDEFL flow.

The zip files are a compressed archive of JSON files following the openLCA schema ( A separate .zip file is provided for each combination of indicator type (midpoint or endpoint) and perspective. Usage Notes for zip file: These files were tested to correctly import into an openLCA v2.1 database already containing flows from the FEDEFL v1.2. They will provide matching characterization factors for any FEDEFL elementary flow already present in the database. These files do not contain the elementary flows. Use of this "No Flows" method is described on The complete FEDEFL v1.2 flow list may be retrieved from the Federal LCA Commons elementary flow list repository at

An associated .parquet file is available with the method in tabular format ( The .parquet file is in the LCIA Formatter's LCIAmethod format. specs/ Usage notes for parquet file: The .parquet file can be read by any Apache parquet reader.


Huijbregts, M. A. J., et al. (2017). ReCiPe 2016: A harmonized life cycle impact assessment method at midpoint and endpoint level report i: characterization. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 22(2), 138-147.

EPA 2019. The Federal LCA Commons Elementary Flow List: Background, Approach, Description and Recommendations for Use.

This dataset is associated with the following publication: Young, B., M. Srocka, W. Ingwersen, B. Morelli, S. Cashman, and A. Henderson. LCIA Formatter. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(66): 3392, (2021).


Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office


Data contact name

Young, Ben

Data contact email


Ag Data Commons

Temporal Extent Start Date



  • Non-geospatial

ISO Topic Category

  • environment

Ag Data Commons Group

  • Life Cycle Assessment

National Agricultural Library Thesaurus terms

life cycle inventory; midpoint indicator; endpoint indicator; elementary flow; United States; United States Environmental Protection Agency; databases; environmental impact; environmental assessment

Pending citation

  • No

Public Access Level

  • Public

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