Approx. 200 hours of harmonic radar recordings of bumblebee workers undertaking their first flights out of the nest, recorded in an agricultural landscape at Rothamsted Research, Herts. Data were collected fron July-October 2021.
Data consists of approx 2.5TB of data files in a custom format giving incoming signal strengths and
associated timestamps. Data files will subsequently be processed to
identify signals originating from transponders attached to bees and to
extract their azimuth and range.
This data was collected as
part of projects funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council, under grant no. EP/P006094/1, Brains on Board.
data is currently unpublished. All the processed track files will be
publicly archived on publication. Please direct any enquiries to Joseph
Brains on Board: Neuromorphic Control of Flying Robots
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council