Process-explicit simulations of human migration in North America 19,000 years ago to present
We simulated the peopling of North America from 19,000 years BP to present using the Climate-Informed Genetic Model. We used a set of 4,950 values for the demographic parameters of the model, based on a previous optimization of these parameters on genetic data. We ran these simulations twice: once parametrised with the HadCM3 palaeoclimate model, and once with the TraCE-21ka palaeoclimate simulation.
Here we provide the median and MAD (median absolute deviation) of human abundance in North America, averaged across each set of simulations based on the HadCM3 and TraCE-21ka palaeoclimate models. These are provided as GeoTIFF files in standard longitude-latitude WGS84 projection. The extent is North America (170W to 49W, 15N to 90N) at a spatial resolution of 1 degree by 1 degree. The timescale is from 19,000 years ago to present at a temporal resolution of 25 years.